Chronic, progressive,
As water saps strength from stone
Cliff breaks as I tremble
I like my politics progressive, thank-you - not my ailments if’n I had my druthers.
But my druthers are handled by others, largely at least in regard to PD..….and this time around I’ve taken on a partner who’s calmly steering the ship to a rocky shore . One of the things you can learn by experiencing the slow creep of Parkinson’s is the power of patience and persistence – at least from the disease process itself. It's in no rush, hakuna matata, and while you don’t have all the time in the world, it does. So things change, slowly, subtly and seriously…
Still doing better than not in all regards, but I note some disturbing new symptoms – occasional involvement of my right arm, till recently not at all involved and – equally if not more troubling, some difficulty swallowing. Swallowing is not the type of thing you think about very much, till it becomes less than fully automatic. And, believe me, you start thinking a lot then. So, tell me, how do you swallow?
Peristalsis….(add short segment here)
So, while the disease won’t officially off you itself, it sets up a myriad of ways to deliver your
demise (we deliver!)….falling without reflexes to recover is a popular one, choking growing out of swallowing difficulties, also a perennial, or complications from pneumonias becoming more common with progression of disease all among the top ten ways to check out growing out of this withering away of motor control we call Parkinson’s.
As the process commands and deserves great respect for its patience and persistence, so too must I gird myself to be strong enough not to yield my center, my power to resist that which I might and accept unavoidable changes as they occur, the strength to open a tremorous hand and release with the appreciation for having had them the powers the precious capabilities that collectively form the dowry of health which the more fortunate among us bring to each earthly incarnation.