Gin a body meet a body Comin thro' the rye,
Gin a body kiss a body, Need a body cry?
When like meets like an attraction, a visceral magnetism seems to operate to pull one towards the other. Kabbalistic lore posits that we were all once part of the primordial body of Adam Kadmon, the initial human containing all the souls of every human form ever to manifest. And when you feel an unexplainable attraction to a stranger its probably because in your primordial state of creation you were both part of the same organ ... maybe the primordial ear, or hand or eye (....now we can better understand where assholes comes from .....:)
As for my story, I've noticed a strange - non-sexual, but compelling -- attraction towards another teacher who I can clearly see has a Parkinson's condition (unilateral tremor, stiff arm, etc....all the markers I know too well) - though she has never come forward and revealed this to the faculty or students (...nor, have I).
So when I run into her the best I can describe it is as a meeting between the PD consciousness in me and the PD consciousness in her - its as if 'it' recognizes a nearby manifestation of the same 'morphic field' that it inhabits. Strange stuff, strange attraction. Go figure....
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