Had a business venture some time back (Positive Content Interactive) and worked closely with a major marketing guru named Bob. He was into developmental psychology big time and was angered with Big Advertising for its relentless effort to turn younger and younger children into adult consumers. Apparently there's even an acronym in the trade for this - 'KGOY' i.e., kids getting older younger'.
On the other end of the extreme, marketers work just as hard to keep aging boomers locked into an endless & highly consumtive adolescence, even as they wrinkle, sag and droop their way into through midlife and beyond. So there's alot of pressure to 'think young'when you're not, and to act old while half of your milkteeth still are in your head. 40 is the new 30.... and 60 is the new 40...which is, of course, the new 30.
Not for me....P.D. symptoms, slow movement, gimpy arm that screams in pain trying to simply put my arm in jacket....often make the '50' I'm approaching more like the new '7o. So, maybe I'm the real 'avant-garde'.....ahead of my time.....'MGOY' i.e., men getting older younger.
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Good words.
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