You can call me can call me Dave. Neither is my true and legal name, rather an old online moniker taken from days long ago when I had worked selling modems wholesaleback in the days when 9600's baud puppies were hot stuff. Always thought that 'ModemDavid' could be a great name for discount electronics chain, a'la 'Crazy Eddie'.... however, the new generation knows nothing of the modulator / demodulators of yore.
Trying my first attempt at blogging to chronicle and share observations and experiences stimulated by - but not limited to - my recent experience of having been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Having been diagnosed last December after a slow onset of symptoms stretching back several years has been, at least, a thought-provoking experience. Haiku does a good glass of wine, or clarifying thoughts on paper. Some of these thoughts I'll post here to share with you ...'guess you're on your own for the wine \___/!
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