Pale pharmacy girl
Ashen skin from florescent lights
Greets me by my name now. . .
I much preferred the drugs of my youth. I am for the first time in my life starting to notice - and be recognized - by the 'regulars' at the nearby CVS pharmacy. My new family is made of an odd assortment of zocor-popping, paxil dependent, lunestra lusting and sinemet sucking geezers and geezer pleasers (safe bet that the previous sentence was never once thought, much less uttered, in all of human existance....) ....bunch of 'freakin druggies, and I've joined the club. Only difference now than in my teenage experimental years is we all have a license now.
If this country is serious about the 'war on drugs' we damn well better start to figure out how to live healthier and find alternate modalities to manage long term conditions.
But in the meantime though, I'll have to resign myself to doing another crossword as I wait in line for another monthly supply of requipcrestorzilect salvation. Hallelujah!
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