So, where are you? I mean it….literally. Just where does your consciousness reside? To what dimensions does it expand itself, and to how small of a non material ball can it become? Like a hermit crab, can it move into any vessel that comes its way?
I’ve been pondering these questions more of late, as I’ve noted with growing concern the gradual seepage of PD symptoms into, what till now, has been the safe harbor of my right side….so long as I could do the hang over there, I’ve been able to compensate fairly well for the interminable tremor and rigidity which Increasingly characterizes my left hand, arm and now leg.
I’m starting feel like I’m being leveraged the ‘hell out of here….here being the body I’ve generally regarded as something ‘I’ fully own. Not the case, as is increasingly more obvious, and clearly a new tenant has taken up occupancy and shows the same singlemindness of purpose that drove our forefathers across the plains in fulfillment of their vision of manifest destiny.
So, I think and I ask: if not here, where do ‘I’ go? And where have ‘I’ gone before…and I think, first about driving.
My dad’s classic ’68 Plymouth Belvedere that I learned to drive…and how difficult it all was to manage up until that magic point where ‘I’ became one with the car….my consciousness expanded to reach to the rusty bumper and back to the tailpipe hung with a hanger which in a previous incarnation held a newly dry-cleaned tweed coat with a cigarette burn on the lapel. That’s when you can drive – when your essential awareness of whatever your driving expands to the full contour of what you’re piloting. Till then – better have some good insurance and a hard head – I remember a few good run-ins with the immovable train trestles of the uptown number 6 train on Westchester Avenue, indeed I do.
Over the years my driving consciousness has contoured itself to operate other memorable vehicles, including a 1973 monkey-shit brown Buick Century (yes, the ‘Kojak’ car), a Chevy Nova, my old favorite ’86 Celica and my current family man sedan, a 2001 Mitsubishi Galant with a skin condition….don’t get me started ‘bout the Mitsubishi. To move on….
I’ve had some fascinating recent experiences futzing around with 3D virtual reality community….second life…...and the beginnings of the strange realization that, yes, it is possible to conceive of – and, even now to actually experience – the beginnings of the porting of your consciousness into an online avatar – and just as the compentent driver is ‘aware’ of his car body, so to does the online avatar become the fringe, and as technology improves no doubt, the focus of consciousness.
So, in recent weeks I’ve experimented with letting my consciousness seep (…hmm…sounds messy) into a variety of avitars including bodies of a winged animal, a Blue Tuxeoed Elvis, a provocatively attired female avatar, and George Bush’s worst fear – a human animal hybrid! What these characters seem to do best, thanks to some amazingly clever programming efforts – is
Dance, dance, dance, with ease and grace and, at times, depraved abandon.
You try that with PD sometimes…..
I remember some time back, maybe around 2000, trying an early 2D chat program and, after a brief interest ( ~ 10 minutes) found the paucity of movement so completely inferior to ‘real’ reality that it held no lasting interest.
But now, two trajectories seem to have crossed – the technology has gotten to a point where it has impact and the movement through the 3D terrain and interaction with ‘others’ has the beginning of depth.
Any my ‘technology’ – i.e my failing wetware which increasingly has difficulty in processing signals in the necessary ways to allow for ease of moment – is on a decline. So as these two trajectories cross the prospect of critical mass – ie. Where an improved virtual reality becomes more enjoyable and compelling than the real thing – a tipping point appears, where, if not just yet, soon we could all be living in a radically transformed reality, with the most disabled here the most ardent adventurers there. Dancing, dreaming, and moving with ease……when this stuff is fully merged with the new field of teledildonics, all bets are off....
Ray Kurzweil, a major figure in modern computer science ( voice recognition software, music synthesis, and futurist extraordinaire) in his provocative “The Age of Spiritual Mmachines' posits that soon…sooner than most think,we will bear witness to the full porting of human consciousness into software.It’s a fascinating premise which, the more I experience the things I’m experiencing, start to seem plausible, possible inevitable.
So, what does the future hold? Stem cell cure? Or maybe a relatively painless decline, drooling and shaking on the outside, while inside, deep with dancing …dancing…dancing with myself…
so till then or something better in day to day reality, on with my virtual blue tuxedo jacket and back to the dance, already in progress…….
Blue Elvis :)
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