Look! An Angel masquerades
As my sweet daughter!
Yesterday pm had one of those moments…..when, when the delicious, mindnumbing and tunnel-vision inducing busyness of being busy with being busy…
It all faded to black me exposed to my feelings and fully confronted by an awareness of what has changed, what is changing and likely will change in the time-arrow of my life.
And it hurt….
.it was/is/ more likely than not will be more difficult, burdensome and burdening that anything that I experience now, which, while problematic at times, in the larger schema of things still ain’t but a pimple on the behind of a giant wooly mammoth.
Its said in the Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers), a book of distilled communal wisdom of Talmudic sages, that there are 3 ‘stances’ between the Buber-esque ‘I and Thou’ one can adopt:
“whats mine is mine and whats yours is yours’
The hallmark of the average man
“whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine”
The credo of an evil man, most 2 year olds, and the IRS.
“whats mine is yours and whats yours is yours”
The operating stance of a Tsadik
AND, curiously, the ultimate ‘stance’ we must all take when, as ever it comes and for the mortal among us come it will, IS the last …i.e. between oneself and the Power-that-be /ribbono shel olum (master of the universe) an ultimate acknowledgment is inevitable that everything that I have that I can lose….everything- from the most tangible to the most ethereal, each and every ability that within a normative healthy phase we fully is assumed as granted….all of it….is/was only on loan.
So, stupid!, why cry over the loss of what you never really had?
One little word, how can it mean so many things? "Graceful acceptance of ones destiny"…..still easier said than done.(thanks, Amparo!)
So there I was, momentarily hit/hurt/by the suck-i-ness of this all when, serendipitously, I remembered to put on a new CD with a wonderful Klezmatic version of Shalom Alechem I planned to sing with the family for Shabbat…hit the wrong track and played a hot Eddie Palmieri salsa number----the kind of Bronx Puerto-Riceno soundtrack of my youth sort of thing….
and just then a little angel impersonating my youngest daughter took my hand and led me to the white-tile dancefloor that is our kitchen and there we were, back in
1 comment:
Hello! I really like your blog! I'd like to link to it in mine, if you don't mind, and my husbands as well. We are Life with Shaky, www.lifewithshaky.blogspot.com and Shaky's World, www.shaakysworld.blogspot.com.
Great site! I like the way you write, too.
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