Tasty Assasin
apple hides fatal intent
Now that swallowing has flown
Mitsubishi Galant de-lux through the late afternoon haze en-route to pickup my 6 year old
terrorist/daughter when - shazAMMM! 'Freakin bit of apple gets caught in a place at the back of my throat where, till that moment, I never even knew had a place! Nothing was obstructed in my breathing, thankfully, but try as I might, hacking aways like an allycat trying dislodge a wad of steel wool from its feline gullet couldn't get the offending piece of fruit to budge.
This went on for several hours before resolving, and caused me no small amount of stress....sort of like hiccuping uncorrected, or a hangnail but in your throat. More disturbing is what this relatively minor even could presage - when your automatic processes are no longer dependably automatic all bets are off. And even as a driver I 'sucked driving a manual.....
So, I now eye my every meal, each minor snack, with a new sense of respect and trepidation as
my eyes have been opened to see that within that rosy come-hither sheen of an organic Macintosh may lie my ticket to the next world, on, that an innocent-seeming bite of steak may come from a Holy Cow on assignment from the holy one, blessed be he, to be a bovine messenger of doom - no matter how you slice it, the future's just not what it used to be around here.