Hmmmm.....maybe the Flushmeister 2000 is closer to my immediate present than I'd like to think. Experienced a new disturbing symptom....smelling things that aren't there.
Getting ready for bed, checking email, was suddenly aware of a series of distinct, pungent and unpleasant odors --- completely un-namable, and not eminating from anything physical (including me.... I checked!)......came and went quickly, 4 or 5 times....not one odor, but a series of them / I found the experience very disturbing...
PD is known to interfere with your olfactory sense....early warning sign can be obliviousness to odors that everyone notices but you. But this....seems to be an internally generated sensation....a hallucination of the nose....misfiring neurons up to shenanigans....
Hallucinations....definately not good :( Is it only a matter of time till visual ones emerge ....'expect any moment Jessica Rabbit to emerge and assume a come-hither pose.....why....well, there she is!...oh, just kidding (....or am I?)
Anyway, this was disturbing...and made it that much harder to catch some shuteye, what with the gimpy arm, tremors, hard swallowing and normal end-of-the-days stresses....
go figure,
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